
The Churches Album

Reflections on Sacred Spaces
The Tabernacle of a Church


The Origin

A fixed and locked structure in which the Eucharist is reserved.

The Emotion

I decided to use some felt in the piano for this piece to soften the notes as much as possible. I wanted to create the feeling of safety, like I imagine a baby would perhaps feel within the womb.

The Connection

I personally like it when I enter the Church and see the tabernacle taking a central position behind the Altar on the Sanctuary.  For me personally, it awakens a spiritual instinct to be immediately drawn to Jesus, like sheep are drawn to the voice of the shepherd. I recall playing this piece on the piano over and over again and remembering how I was taught, as a child, to always genuflect when passing the tabernacle when I was altar serving.  This practice of reverence had a deep impact on me and my relationship with Jesus.  As an altar server my chief motto was, 'to serve is to reign' taken from archconfraternity of St. Stephen.

Pray for the grace to serve God in reverence through every walk of life, allowing Him to abide in you as you abide in Him (cf. John 15:4).
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