
The Churches Album

Reflections on Sacred Spaces
The Aisles of a Church


The Origin

Walkways within the Church, usually either side of the nave.

The Emotion

This piece deliberately has a completely different style (almost a country / folk style) to the rest of the collection. I wanted to convey the word ‘journey’ with this piece. Movement is created with the rhythmic patterns accompanying the piano and cello.

The Connection

I reflect upon how the aisles in a Church facilitate the journey of so many pilgrims on their way home to Heaven. We have the parents bringing their child for Baptism (starting at the door of the Church, before walking down the aisle). We have First Holy Communion and then Confirmation, as children take the steps along the aisle in the important sacramental journey in their life. The bride walks down the aisle to meet her groom and they both walk out together along the aisle as a married couple, their first tentative steps on the journey that countless others have taken. Or perhaps the journey of a Priest or Religious as they walk down the aisle and take the vows for their vocation in life. Finally, the passing to Heaven, with a coffin being carried down the aisle, the final journey to the gates of Heaven.

Pray for the gift to always journey along the true path: to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God (cf. Micah 6:8).
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